Ajmer Transport

Getting to & from Ajmer

Ajmer can be reached via rail, bus or private car.

By Rail – The best method is rail as Ajmer is well connected to Delhi, Jaipur and Udaipur.

By Bus – Buses are an alternative option for getting to Ajmer. Regular public and private buses ply from Ajmer to neighbouring Rajasthan cities including Jaipur, Jodhpur and Pushkar.

By Car – Various tour operators and travel agencies offer chauffeured car-taxi services; these are charged on a per km, per day basis.


Getting around Ajmer

Getting around Ajmer is easy as most of the places to visit in Ajmer are located around the Dargah. Set in the heart of the old town, the main gate of the Dargah is reached on foot or by auto-rickshaw through the bazaar.


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