Udaipur Transport

Getting to & from Udaipur

Udaipur is easily accessible by air, train, bus or private car from every major city in India.

By Air – There are daily flights to Delhi, Mumbai and Jaipur from the Udaipur airport located 24km from the city centre.

By Train – Train services run daily from Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur and Ajmer.

By Bus – Alternatively, private and government buses ply to most Rajasthani towns including Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Ajmer and Mount Abu.

By Car – One can always hire a private car with chauffeur from travel agencies or hotels.


Getting around Udaipur

While most of the places to visit in Udaipur are located in the city centre, some of the tourist attractions are situated several kilometres out of the city. Auto rickshaws are a great way of getting around the city however you need to hire a private car for excursions outside Udaipur as public transport is not easily available.


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