Getting to & from Munnar

Located in the High Ranges of the Western Ghats, the only forms of transport available to get to Munnar is by bus or car.

By Air – The nearest airports are located in Kochi (110 km from Munnar) and Madurai (140 km from Munnar).

By Train – The nearest railway station is Aluva (110 kms), Ernakulum (130 km) or Madurai (135 km).

By Bus – There are both private and government buses that ply to and from Munnar. The nearest major bus station is in Kochi located 110 km away. It takes 4 to 5 hours to reach Munnar. Buses depart from KSRTC Interstate Bus Terminus (near Ernakulum Junction South) starting from 6:00 am; the last bus is at 5:50 pm.

Buses from Aluva, located close to the Kochi International Airport, takes around 4 hours to Munnar.

Note that most buses have boards in Malayalam and not English. At Aluva, there are no signs, schedules or dedicated bus bays for Munnar-bound buses; many of them briefly stop at Aluva en route from Kochi/ Ernakulam to Munnar. Check with a few locals every 15 minutes, or ask and hang around the bus info office so they can point you to the right bus when it arrives.

There are also buses from Coimbatore and Pollachi.

By Taxi/Car – Taxis and private cars are available for hire from nearby towns such as Kochi, Madurai, Coimbatore, Kodaikanal and Tirunelveli.


Getting around Munnar

Most Munnar tourist places are located a few kilometres from Munnar and are best reached on a day trip. It is advisable to hire a private car for the day and choose a route.


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