Jaisalmer Transport

Getting to & from Jaisalmer

The best way to get to Jaisalmer is by train, bus or private car.

By Train – There is a direct train service from Delhi via Jaipur and Jodhpur. More regular trains depart from Jodhpur.

By Bus – Daily bus services can be taken from Jaipur or Jodhpur as well.

By Car – Various tour operators and travel agencies offer chauffeured car-taxi services; these are charged on a per km, per day basis.

Camel – Always an option if you own one but unfortunately there are no current camel caravans commercially going to Jaisalmer.


Getting around Jaisalmer

Getting around Jaisalmer is easy as all hotels, restaurants, tour operators, and major tourist attractions are located in and around Jaisalmer fort and within walking distance. The main market area, Bhatia Market, straggles along winding lanes not far north of the fort.


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