
  • Features: Art gallery featuring Australian and international paintings
  • Opening Times:  10am to 5pm (Mon – Fri), 9am to 5pm (Sat & Sun)
  • Best Time to Visit: Anytime
  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours
  • Transport Options: Car, bus, train, ferry
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: Melbourne Street, South Bank, South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • Type: Museum

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If you’re an art connoisseur and heading to Brisbane, you must visit the Queensland Art Gallery which is one of the biggest and best art galleries in Australia. Before you go, read this article which highlights some interesting facts about the gallery as well as the star paintings you should look out for.

Star Paintings at the Queensland Art Gallery Brisbane


If you’re an art connoisseur and heading to Brisbane, you must visit the Queensland Art Gallery which is one of the biggest and best art galleries in Australia. Before you go, read this article which highlights some interesting facts about the gallery as well as the star paintings you should look out for.


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Interesting Facts About the Queensland Art Gallery Brisbane

  • The Queensland Art Gallery was first established in 1895 and expanded in 2006
  • The gallery houses a fine permanent collection, mostly of Australian and European artists
  • It showcases Australian art from the 1840s through to the 1970s as well as an impressive collection of Aboriginal art
  • You can view works by Australian masters including Sir Sydney Nolan, Arthur Boyd, William Dobell, George Lambert, Margaret Preston and Brett Whitley
  • The international collection includes 15th-century European art and Asian art from the 12th century
  • International art is represented by more than 3,000 European and American works
  • Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art are regarded as one institution and together make up Australia’s second largest public art museum
  • Entrance to the Queensland Art Gallery is FREE



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Guide to the Queensland Art Gallery Brisbane

There are three levels to the Queensland Art Gallery. Fine collections of contemporary, indigenous and Asian art from the 12th century are found on Level 2 and 4. Decorative art is displayed on Level 2. International art also begins on this level and moves up to Level 3, which also contains Australian art after 1970.

The work in this gallery is complemented by the contemporary art housed in the Gallery of Modern Art.



Star Paintings at the Queensland Art Gallery Brisbane


La Belle Hollandaise (1905)

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One of Picasso’s transitional works between his blue and rose periods, this was painted during a visit to the Netherlands. The Queensland Art Gallery paid a then world record price of £55,000 in 1959 for the work of a living artist.



Under the Jacaranda

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Godfrey Rivers’ work is part of a collection of Australian art.



Bushfire (1944)

Russell Drysdale is known for his depiction of harsh Outback life, such as this farm house destroyed by a fire. It is an abstract piece with slightly discordant colours.



Bathers (1906)

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One of Australia’s most highly regarded artists, Rupert Bunny gained international fame with paintings of Victorian life.



Queensland Art Gallery Opening Hours

The Queensland Art Gallery is open from 10am to 5pm Monday to Friday and from 9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday. Free guided tours are at 11am, 1pm & 2pm Monday to Friday and at 11am, 12:30pm & 2pm Saturday and Sunday.



Tell us what you think. Are you planning a trip to the Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbane? If you’ve been here before, what was your favourite paintings?

We love to hear from you so please leave your comments below.



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