
  • Features: Botanic gardens overlooking Brisbane River
  • Opening Times:  24 hours, daily
  • Best Time to Visit: Spring (September to November)
  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours
  • Transport Options: Car, bus, train
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: Alice Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • Type: Gardens

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If you’re considering a visit to Brisbane City Botanic Gardens you should read this article which contains ten interesting facts about the city botanic gardens. Use the map below to find your way around the gardens when you get there.

10 Interesting Facts About Brisbane City Botanic Gardens


If you’re considering a visit to Brisbane City Botanic Gardens you should read this article which contains ten interesting facts about the city botanic gardens. Use the map below to find your way around the gardens when you get there.


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10 Interesting Facts About Brisbane City Botanic Gardens

  1. The Brisbane City Botanic Gardens are the second oldest botanic gardens in Australia
  2. It’s also Brisbane’s first botanic gardens on the Brisbane River
  3. Before it became a botanic gardens, the area was used as a vegetable garden by convicts
  4. It was laid out in its present form in 1855 by the colonial botanist Walter Hill, who was also the first director of the gardens
  5. The 18-hectare (44-acre) botanic gardens contain massive green lawns, towering Moreton Bay figs, bunya pines, macadamia trees and other tropical flora
  6. The bunya pines date back to the 1850s, while the weeping figs were planted in the 1870s
  7. The several lakes dotted throughout the gardens attract hundreds of water birds, such as herons and plovers
  8. One of the highlights in the gardens is the Mangrove Boardwalk, a wooden walkway skirting the riverbank on the eastern rim; it is lit until midnight
  9. There are free 1-hour guided tours of the botanic gardens at 11am & 1pm Monday to Saturday (departure from the rotunda at the Albert Street entrance)
  10. Brisbane City Botanic Gardens are open 24 hours a day



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Brisbane Botanical Gardens Map

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Tell us what you think. Will Brisbane City Botanic Gardens be on your list of places to see in Brisbane? If you’ve been here before, please share with us your experiences, tips and ideas.

We love to hear from you so please leave your comments below.



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