
  • Features: 300-plus stalls selling several different items
  • Opening Times: Wednesday – 8am to 1pm, Saturday – 6:30am to 2pm
  • Best Time to Visit: Saturday
  • Duration: Half a day
  • Transport Options: Car, bus, tour
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: 80 Memorial Drive, Eumundi, Queensland, Australia
  • Type: Market

Author Reviews[display_rating_item_results rating_form_id=”2″ rating_entry_ids=”1″ show_category_filter=”false” show_options=”true” result_type=”star_rating” preserve_max_rating=”true” show_title=”false” show_count=”false” ]

Total Rating: [display_rating_result rating_form_id=”2″ show_count=”false” show_rich_snippets=true] [accordions load=”1″] [accordion title=”User Reviews” last] [display_rating_item_results rating_form_id=”5″ show_options=”true” result_type=”star_rating” preserve_max_rating=”true” show_title=”false” show_count=”true” show_rich_snippets=true] [/accordion] [accordion title=”Add Review”][display_rating_form show_email_input=”true” show_comment_textarea=”true” show_name_input=”true” rating_form_id=”5″] [/accordion] [/accordions]


Planning a trip to the Eumundi markets? Before you go, read this article for tips on visiting Eumundi markets, popular things sold there as well as top things to do at the markets.

Tips for Visiting Eumundi Markets


Planning a trip to the Eumundi markets? Before you go, read this article for tips on visiting Eumundi markets, popular things sold there as well as top things to do at the markets.


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Tips for Visiting Eumundi Markets

  • It’s worth paying a few dollars for the parking lots rather than cruising the streets looking for a spot
  • Saturdays are usually a quieter day than Wednesdays to visit
  • When your shopping’s done, pop into one of the cafes on Eumundi’s main street



Popular Things Sold at Eumundi Markets

  • Locally grown organic lemonade
  • Locally grown fruit
  • Groovy hats
  • Teddy bears
  • Antique linen
  • Homemade soaps
  • Handcrafted wooden furniture
  • Jewellery
  • Homemade clothes
  • Alternative-healing booths


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Top Things to Do at Eumundi Markets

  • Wander under the huge shady trees among the dozens of stalls
  • Get your face painted
  • Get your palm read
  • Get your feet massaged
  • Listen to local musicians, including didgeridoo players



Eumundi Markets Map

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Eumundi Market Times

Wednesday – 8am to 1pm

Saturday – 6:30am to 2pm



Where is Eumundi Markets located?

Eumundi markets is located along Eumundi Road in the historic village of Eumundi, 13km (8 miles) west of Noosa in Queensland, Australia.



Eumundi Markets Address

80 Memorial Drive,






How to get from Noosa to Eumundi Markets?

If you’re driving, take State Route 70 to Doonan and then State Route 12 to Eumundi. Otherwise, you can get from Noosa to Eumundi markets by bus or on a tour.

Sunbus runs hourly from Noosa Heads (40 minutes) and Nambour (30 minutes) to Eumundi markets.

Storeyline Tours and Henry’s offer door-to-door transfers on Wednesday and Saturday from Noosa accommodation, allowing three hours at the Eumundi markets.



Tell us what you think. Are you heading to the Eumundi markets? If you’ve been there below, please share any tips or ideas you have.

We love to hear from you so please leave your comments below.



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