Current Conditions for Delhi, India

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Forecast Details for Delhi, India

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Best Time to Visit Delhi, India

The climate in Delhi varies considerably between the summers and winters months. The best time to visit Delhi is between the months of October and March when the weather is bright and sunny but not too hot. October to December is ideal for all kinds of sightseeing activities in and around Delhi. January is chilly and fogs may disrupt the morning hour activities. February and March are pleasant and suitable for outings.


  • Winters (December to February) are very cold with temperature dropping down to 1°C. In January, the weather is foggy with frequent disruption to traffic due to heavy fog. This period is ideal for Delhi tourism.
  • Summers (March to June) are scorching with the temperature rising to 47°C. These are the months to avoid as it’s hot and humid.
  • Monsoons (July to September) are accompanied by heavy rains with flooding. These months are also worth avoiding if you can.



Average High & Low Temperatures for Delhi, India

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Average Rainfall for Delhi, India

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Note: The data for the charts above are taken from year 2000 to 2012.



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