
  • Features: Coral cay with exceptional snorkelling & diving
  • Opening Times: Any time
  • Best Time to Visit: June to November
  • Duration: Any
  • Transport Options: Sea plane from Bundaberg or Hervey Bay
  • Budget: Moderate
  • Address: Lady Elliot Island, Queensland, Australia
  • Type: Island

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Thinking about a holiday on Lady Elliot Island? Wondering what the hype is all about? Want to know what makes Lady Elliot Island so attractive as an island destination? Read on to find the answers to these questions and more about Lady Elliot Island. And should you decide you want to visit Lady Elliot Island, we have all the important information to help you plan a perfect holiday to this island.

What Makes Lady Elliot Island So Attractive?


Thinking about a holiday on Lady Elliot Island? Wondering what the hype is all about? Want to know what makes Lady Elliot Island so attractive as an island destination? Read on to find the answers to these questions and more about Lady Elliot Island. And should you decide you want to visit Lady Elliot Island, we have all the important information to help you plan a perfect holiday to this island.

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What Makes Lady Elliot Island So Attractive?

Lady Elliot Island is a sparse, grassy island rookery, not a lush tropical paradise, so people don’t come here for the white sand and palm trees. There is only one thing that draws people from all over the world to this 40-hectare vegetated coral cay on the southern front of the Great Barrier Reef. While the island is a breeding and nesting ground for many species of tropical seabirds, it is the stunning underwater landscape that is hugely popular with divers, snorkelers as well as nesting sea turtles.


Lady Elliot Island Diving

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Lady Elliot Island is ringed by a wide, shallow lagoon filled with dazzling coral life. The best thing about snorkelling or diving from Lady Elliot Island is not just the quality of the underwater landscape but also the proximity of the coral reef. Divers can walk straight off the beach to explore an ocean-bed of shipwrecks, coral gardens, bommies (coral pinnacles or outcroppings) and blowholes, and abundant marine life including barracuda, giant manta rays and harmless leopard sharks. Expect to see dazzling corals and brilliantly coloured fish, clams, sponges, urchins, and anemones. Divers will also see green and loggerhead turtles (which nest on the beach between November and March). Look out for whales which pass by these waters from June through September.

The resort has a dive shop which runs shore and boat dives, introductory dives, and rents equipment.

One word of caution – you may snorkel and reef walk during only the 2 to 3 hours before and after high tide, so plan your schedule accordingly.

The true beauty of this island is that because of the relatively low number of guests you pretty much get the Reef to yourself.


Where is Lady Elliot Island Located?

Lady Elliot Island is the southernmost island in the Great Barrier Reef. It is located 80km (50 miles) north-east of Bundaberg in Queensland, Australia.

See below for a map of Lady Elliot Island.


Lady Elliot Island Map

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Lady Elliot Island Camping

Lady Elliot Island is not a national park which means there are no camp grounds on this island. The only accommodation option is the Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort. See below for details.


Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort

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As there is no camping allowed on Lady Elliot Island, the only accommodation option is the low-key Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort. This no-frills resort has basic tent cabins, simple motel-style units, as well as more expensive two-bedroom self-contained units. Rates include breakfast and dinner, snorkelling gear and some tours.

The top of the range air-conditioned Island suites have one or two separate bedrooms and great sea views from the deck. Most Reef rooms sleep four and have decks with views through the trees to the sea. Shearwater bunk rooms sleep up to six. All rooms have modern private bathrooms. All suites and rooms have been refurbished over the past couple of years, with fresh paint and new queen-size beds and furniture in the suites and reef rooms.

The cool, spacious safari-tent “eco-huts” have four bunks, electric lighting, and timber floors, but share the public toilets and showers used by day guests.

The limited facilities include a boutique and an education centre. The resort has no air-conditioning, no keys (secure storage is at the front desk), no TVs, no radio, no mobile phone reception, and one public telephone. The food is basic. A low-key program of mostly free activities includes glass-bottom-boat rides, badminton, guided walks, and beach volleyball.


How to Get to Lady Elliot Island?

The only way to reach Lady Elliot Island is on a 30-minute flight from Bundaberg or Hervey Bay.


Lady Elliot Island Flights

Seaair flies guests to the Lady Elliot Island Resort from Bundaberg and Hervey Bay three times a day. All flight bookings need to be made through the resort.


Lady Elliot Island Day Trip

You can also visit the Lady Elliot Island on a day trip from Bundaberg and Hervey Bay. Seair offers a day-trip package from both departure points for adults and children which include flights, snorkel gear, glass-bottom boat ride, lunch, and guided activities.

Day-trip flights also operate from Brisbane, Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast.


While Lady Elliot Island is not easy to get to, the remoteness of the island is what makes it so attractive. Not only is the underwater landscape spectacular, you get to have it all to yourself. If you’ve decided to take a holiday to Lady Elliot Island, we can help you plan your vacation. Simply check out our wide range of tours and activities which can be booked directly with us.


In the meantime, tell us what you think. Are you planning to visit Lady Elliot Island in the near future? If you’ve already been there, what memories did you leave with?

We love to hear from you so please leave your comments below.


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