
  • Signature Dishes: Seafood gumbo, steak
  • Opening Times & Days: 9am to 9pm, daily
  • Address: 5 Kennedy Street, Exmouth, Western Australia
  • Contact: 08 9949 2416
  • Reservation: Yes

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Whalers Restaurant is a casual dining restaurant in Exmouth that specialises in fresh local seafood dishes. Ranging from the favourite Aussie steak to the more exotic seafood gumbo, there is no distinct flavour through all their dishes which gives an eclectic taste to the dining experience. Add in decent standard of service with an outdoor patio dining experience and Whalers Restaurant is a good choice for a dining venue in Exmouth.

Whalers Restaurant Exmouth


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Whalers Restaurant Exmouth, a casual Australian seafood restaurant, is so popular with the locals that we were extremely lucky to get their last table on the outdoor patio. While the indoor eating area is much larger, it is no surprise that the outdoor patio is filled in summertime.

An outdoor garden of some sorts seems to envelope the patio and it felt like we were sitting outside in a summer garden. There was plenty of space between tables which gave us enough privacy and room to walk around with ease.

There were several waitresses on the night and they are very hospitable and friendly. Our waitress for the night was prompt and came around a couple of times to ensure we were enjoying our meals.


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While the menu was quite extensive, there were a few dishes that stood out for us. looking at the meals on the table near us tells us that the portions are huge too.

We ended up selecting an entree of natural oysters for the table, Graham decided to try one of their specials for the day – a Thai seafood served with rice, while I had their New Orleans seafood gumbo – a spicy stew of prawns, mussels, local fish, smoked sausage, a crisp soft-shell crab served with rice.

Firstly, the portions are sizeable so you will leave on a full stomach. Secondly, while the Thai seafood was tasty, the seafood gumbo was really, really good. The mix of delicate flavours from the seafood together with the strong flavours from the smoked sausage and spicy stew blended really well, and the crispness of the soft-shell crab was the icing on the cake, so to speak.

The downside to eating a big meal is that it leaves no room for dessert. So unfortunately once again we had to pass on the dessert menu.

All in all, Whalers Restaurant Exmouth is one of the better restaurants in Western Australia and probably one of the best in Exmouth.


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