
  • Signature Dishes: Vegetarian dishes
  • Opening Times & Days: 9am to 10pm, daily
  • Address: Bhanudas Sabhahgrah Railway Station Road, Rachanakar Colony, Usmanpura, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
  • Contact: N/A
  • Reservation: No

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Located on busy Station Road, Kailash Restaurant Aurangabad is a simple, clean and friendly pure-vegetarian restaurant that serves up a variety of North Indian, South Indian as well as Chinese vegetarian dishes including a variety of snacks.

Kailash Restaurant Aurangabad


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Adjacent to Hotel Nandanvan on Station Road, Kailash Restaurant Aurangabad is a busy pure-vegetarian restaurant in a smart glass-and-chrome place where you can sit back after a long day out and wolf down a variety of local delicacies brought to your table by smartly dressed waiters.

They serve North Indian, South Indian as well as Chinese vegetarian dishes including a variety of snacks.


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The decor at Kailash Restaurant Aurangabad was simple and clean. There was a juice bar that prepared fresh juices which added to the ambiance of the restaurant.

The service was occasionally slow due to the number of customers in the restaurant but the staff were polite and friendly.


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Graham ordered a Mosambi Juice which is made from Indian sweet limes. A sweet lime is a combination of a lime and an orange. The flavour is sweet and mild, but retains the essence of lime. It is a bit flatter than most citrus fruits due to its lack of acidity.

The mosambi juice was quite refreshing; it wasn’t overly sweet but it didn’t have a strong flavour either. It’s not a drink we would order again as there are better flavours to try.

For our dinner, we ordered two mains – Dal tadka and Mushroom tikka masala – with Tandoori rotis.


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Dal Tadka is a popular North Indian dish made of yellow lentils (split lentils) and tempered with aromatic spices.

Tadka means “tempering” and Dal is “lentils”. In this technique, the spices are fried in oil to release their essential oils which remarkably changes the flavor, aroma and taste of the final dish in which the tempering is added. The tempering acts like a garnish and adds a lot of oomph to in this hearty yet very simple dal stew. The plain cooked creamy yellow dal gets transformed into an aromatic and tasty dish.

In this dish, the tempering is added towards the end, right before serving which provides a beautiful presentation to the dish. It also enhances the flavor due to the ghee spread right on top which adds richness and aroma to the dish.

Some people initially stay clear of the oily surface of this dish but this is a key component which gives flavour and enjoyment to this dish. The flavour of this dish was excellent and this dish was clearly one of the best dals we had in India.


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Mushroom Tikka Masala is another North Indian dish made with chopped button mushrooms marinated in yogurt and Indian spices. It is a vegetarian version of chicken tikka masala. It is a dish that is rich and creamy and bursting with flavor.

The sauce in this particular dish was overly spiced (not spicy hot) and overpowered the delicate flavour of the mushrooms. This sauce would go well with a stronger flavoured ingredient. We also had this dish with tandoori rotis; however it would have been better served with rice. We also found the dish to have a tiny amount of mushrooms that got lost in the sauce. Unfortunately this dish was a let down in many ways.


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