
  • Signature Dishes: North Indian vegetarian dishes
  • Opening Times & Days: 8:30am to 4pm, 6pm to 10pm, daily
  • Address: Inn Seventh Heaven, Next to the Mali Ka Mandir (Temple of the Gardeners), Chotti Basti, Pushkar, Rajasthan, India
  • Contact: 0145 510 5455
  • Reservation: No

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Sixth Sense is the rooftop restaurant at Inn Seventh Heaven in Pushkar. Specialising in North Indian vegetarian cuisine, it is the top choice for Lonely Planet. However, based on the food we ate at this restaurant, we were terribly disappointed, and we would not recommend this place to anyone. The redeeming feature of this restaurant is its ambiance which gives one a relaxing and chilled vibe. It’s worth coming here just to stay at the popular hotel.

Inn Seventh Heaven Pushkar


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The Sixth Sense restaurant is located at the budget hotel, Inn Seventh Heaven Pushkar. The restaurant is situated on the rooftop of the hotel, and specialises in North Indian vegetarian fare. It also serves Western cuisine, including vegetable sizzlers, pizzas and pastas, as well as juices, shakes, and desserts.

Pushkar, being a sacred Hindu city, follows very strict vegetarianism, forbidding even eggs, resulting in all restaurants in the city serving vegetarian-only meals.

The hotel also has a cafe, located on the ground floor of the building, that serves Indian street food in a hygienic atmosphere.

Above is a picture of the ground floor cafe at Inn Seventh Heaven Pushkar. The fountain in the middle creates a cool, relaxing ambiance, which would be fantastic during the middle of a hot, humid day.


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What really impressed us about this hotel / restaurant is the setting inside the building.

Walking through the corridors to the rooftop, we got to see the two floors and hotel rooms in between, and how things were laid out on each of the floors. Leafy plants were placed in the corners of the floor. My favourite was the hanging swing chair with cushions decorated with Indian designs on the first floor.

All the accessories aim to create an atmosphere where one can sit down, relax and unwind.


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The other item that added to the ambiance of the restaurant was the ivy growing along the walls and covering the balconies. This idea is excellent as the ivy also provides shade, and keeps the corridors cool during the hot, humid days.

Personally, I liked the ivy because it provided a darker, shady setting, making the atmosphere more romantic.


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The tables were casually arranged around the floor. There were two table options for dinner – a casual setting with a low table surrounded by sofa chairs, or a more formal dining table with high back chairs. We chose the casual option as that was the only table left on the floor.

The restaurant was busy (but not crowded), probably with residents from the hotel which is very popular. The setting was very casual, with chitter chatter being heard from the neighbouring tables.

The waiting service was actually quite good here. The waiters were attentive, friendly and spoke good English. However, the service from the kitchen was a bit slow as we had to wait a long time for our meals to arrive. While the restaurant was busy, it was not packed, so there was no excuse for their tardy service.


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For dinner, we selected two main vegetarian dishes – Palak Paneer and Baigan Masala – with chapattis.

While we waited for our dinner, we noticed an ingenious gadget – a pulley apparatus that delivers meals from the ground floor kitchen to be served upstairs.

This is how it worked. The pulley was sent upstairs from the ground floor kitchen with the food, clean plates and cutlery, which was taken out, and then replaced with empty serving bowls and dirty plates and cutlery, and the pulley was lowered down again.

The entire system looked very efficient and worked well. The apparatus, though, did look like it belonged to the British India period or even older.


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Palak Paneer is a North Indian dish, made of cottage cheese cooked in a a thick curry sauce based on pureed spinach. This is one of Graham’s favourite Indian dishes in Australia, and unfortunately Sixth Sense didn’t do this dish well.

It was disappointing to get palak paneer with uncooked paneer, which made this dish almost tasteless. The paneer was rubbery and soggy which ruined the texture of the dish. The sauce needed some cream and spices to it, but these were missing as well. Instead, it was watery and bland.


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Baigan Masala is aubergine or eggplant cooked in a spicy masala sauce. My favourite vegetable is eggplant, and I was really looking forward to this dish.

The aubergine in this dish was not well cooked. The dish was oily and tasteless, and although I love eggplant, I struggled to eat this dish.

Although this restaurant is the top choice in Pushkar for Lonely Planet, it was a big let down for us. The food was poorly cooked with no flavour, and it seemed like no thought or effort went into the preparation of the meals. The price we paid (about Rs 300) was too much for the quality of the meal. We did however like the atmosphere of the building, especially the floors below the rooftop restaurant. It would be worth staying at Inn Seventh Heaven Pushkar and enjoy relaxing in the hanging swing chair.


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