
  • Features: Green grasslands that have a natural echo phenomenon
  • Opening Times: Dawn to dusk, daily
  • Best Time to Visit: September to December
  • Duration: 1 to 2 hours
  • Travelled By: Private car
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: Kannan Devan Hills, Kerela, India
  • Type: Natural wonder

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Echo Point Munnar gets its name from the natural echo phenomenon that occurs here. You can choose to scream and hear your voice resonate far and wide or you can choose a silent, contemplative hike up the mountains and enjoy the panoramic views of the luscious green hills and valleys around you.

Echo Point Munnar


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Located 15 km from Munnar town, Echo Point is called so due to the natural echoes that reverberates back through these acres of lush greenery. It is especially great for youngsters to spend some time here shrieking and screaming and enjoying the pleasure of their voice resonating among the hills.

With its green grasslands Echo Point serves as an adventure destination for tourists. Some of the popular activities undertaken at this picturesque destination include trekking and nature walks. The surrounding tea plantations and spice gardens invite trekkers to explore the wonders of nature. It is a nice spot to embark on a trail along one of the paths that cuts through the stretches of tea, coffee and spice plantations.

Echo Point is also a favourite picnic spot for several travellers due to its velvety slopes and misty surroundings. Photographers find this place a true paradise as they can capture the beauty of the surroundings as well as the serenity of the moment.

With panoramic views, clean mountain air and mist-clad hills, Echo Point is a place worth visiting. It lies on the banks of a beautiful river with lush green hills and evergreen trees. The silence that guards this place is only disturbed by visitors for a few seconds and then the atmosphere returns to normal.

Located close to Munnar, Echo Point has a similar climate to Munnar and is therefore best avoided during the monsoon months of June, July and August when it gets wet and slippery.


Getting to & from Echo Point

Echo Point Munnar is located on route to Top Station, northeast of Munnar town. This is a popular route as several attractions lie on this path culminating at Top Station. The best way to visit Echo Point and the other attractions on this route is to hire a private car or jeep in town for the day. This is best done a day in advance so you can start the day trip early in the morning. There are local buses that ply this route to Top Station however the trip can be quite uncomfortable.


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