
  • Signature Dishes: Gobi paratha (spicy cauliflower Indian bread)
  • Opening Times & Days: 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm & 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm; daily, closed Wednesday
  • Address: PT Road, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Contact: N/A
  • Reservation: No

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Located on PT Road in Kodaikanal, Tava Restaurant is a vegetarian restaurant with a wide menu of North and South Indian vegetarian dishes. Open for lunch and dinner, this restaurant is a great option for affordable and delicious vegetarian meals.

Tava Restaurant Kodaikanal


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Located on PT Road in Kodaikanal, Tava Restaurant is a vegetarian restaurant with a wide menu of North and South Indian vegetarian dishes. Open for lunch and dinner, this restaurant is a great option for affordable and delicious vegetarian meals.

We visited Kodaikanal in December so the town was fairly quiet for Indian tourism. As a result, most of the restaurants were closed during the off-peak winter season. Fortunately, Tava Restaurant was open so we decided to try their vegetarian dishes.

Tava Restaurant is a clean, budget, ‘no-frills’ restaurant so the décor inside the restaurant was quite simple. Formica tables and chairs with tiled walls don’t provide a fantastic ambiance however it’s not for the atmosphere or décor that one dines at Tava Restaurant; rather it is for their delicious and affordable vegetarian food.

The manager at the restaurant was very friendly and spoke good English. Our order was taken straight away and our meals were served without having to wait for too long.

We ordered Gobi Paratha & Chana Masala which we had with Tandoori Rotis.


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Gobi Paratha is a fried Indian bread stuffed with spicy cauliflower. The paratha was topped with butter and served with a side of mixed vegetable pickle and dahi (yogurt).

This was the best stuffed paratha we ate in India. The stuffing was beautifully spiced with cumin and coriander and was slightly spicy. The butter on the top of the paratha made it that much better by giving it more flavour. Not that it needed the accompaniments but the dahi and mixed vegetable made it a complete meal.


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Chana Masala is a North Indian dish made from chick peas and lots of masala. However, the masala gravy wasn’t spicy at all; rather the spice mixture was appropriate for the dish and made it delicious. It had a tangy and spicy flavour which was a lovely combination. The Chana Masala was sprinkled with a generous serving of chopped coriander leaves which took this dish to the next level.


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The Tandoori Rotis were freshly cooked so they were hot, soft and moist. The rotis went really well with the Chana Masala which had a lot of gravy which could be picked up easily with the rotis.


Tava Restaurant has a wonderful vegetarian menu filled with delicious dishes that they cook with a lot of love and care. The prices of their dishes are very affordable which makes dining at this restaurant really good value. If you don’t mind the lack of ambiance and simple décor, Tava Restaurant is a great place to have lunch or dinner when in Kodaikanal.


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