
  • Features: Waterfalls with greenery and cheeky monkeys around
  • Opening Times: All day, every day
  • Best Time to Visit: During the Monsoon months (July to September)
  • Duration: 15 to 20 minutes
  • Travelled By: Bus
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Type: Waterfall

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Silver Cascade Falls is the first attraction that greets a visitor to Kodaikanal as they arrive into town on the Madurai – Kodaikanal Road. It is especially popular in the summer months when interstate tourists bathe on the rocks under the waterfall. Look out for the cheeky monkeys on the prowl.

Silver Cascade Falls Kodaikanal


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As you drive into Kodaikanal along the Madurai – Kodaikanal Road, the first attraction that unfolds before you is the Silver Cascade Falls. It is hard to miss as there will usually be a herd of interstate tourists bathing on the rocks under the waterfall (in the summer months) or taking photos in front of the waterfall (in the winter months).


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Silver Cascade Falls is created by the excess water that comes down from the Kodaikanal Lake 8 kms away. It is a great pit stop for vehicles and tourists as there are shops selling fruits and other forest products.

Silver Cascade Falls is 180 feet high and the frothy water coming down through piles of rocks is really beautiful. The crystal clear water contains various minerals and taking a bath in this fall can be very refreshing.


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In addition to attracting visitors of the human kind, Silver Cascade Falls also attracts visitors of another kind – our distant cousins the Macaque Monkeys. Troupes of these mischievous creatures were on the prowl for food of any shape, colour and size. They are cute to watch from a distance but they can turn into a nuisance quite easily and quickly when there’s food around – so beware!


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