
  • Signature Dishes: Hyderabadi biryani
  • Opening Times & Days: 5:00 am to 12:00 am, daily
  • Address: High Court Road, Madina Circle, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Contact: 40 2456 5949
  • Reservation: No

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Shadab Hotel is an institution for lip-smacking Mughlai food in Hyderabad. This is the place to visit if you want to try Hyderabadi biryani at its best. During the festival of Ramadan, they also make the best haleem. If you don’t mind rubbing shoulders with the locals this is the place to visit when in Hyderabad.

Shadab Hotel Hyderabad


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Shadab Hotel in Hyderabad is an institution for delicious Mughlai food. This is the place to visit if you want to try Hyderabadi biryani at its best. During the festival of Ramadan, they also make the best haleem (stew made with wheat, barley, meat, lentils and spices).

This is a no-frills restaurant where locals flock to for their lip-smacking veg and non-veg food and outstanding prices. It is always busy with Hyderabadi families chowing down on plates of biryani or tandoori chicken with rotis.


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The decor at Shadab Hotel is spartan with worn out tables and chairs. It is a big restaurant with several rooms including an upstairs dining area for families. The atmosphere downstairs is more vibrant with the animated voices of people talking over their meals. The only saving grace to the decor in this restaurant is the ornate ceiling which makes it stand out in stark contrast.

Like the decor, the service at this restaurant is minimal, with the serving staff constantly bringing out plates topped with biryani and other Mughlai dishes.

We didn’t come here for the decor or the service; we visited Shadab Hotel for one reason – to try out their fantastic Hyderabadi biryani. For haleem, we were told, you have to come in the morning.


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Hyderabadi Biryani is a rice-based dish made with spices and lamb, chicken, mutton, egg, fish or vegetables. Biryani comes from the Persian word beryā(n) meaning fried or roasted. This dish was introduced when Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb conquered Southern India. The blending of Mughlai and Telugu cuisines in the kitchens of the Nizams, rulers of Hyderabad, resulted in the creation of Hyderabadi Biryani.

Hyderabadi biryani is usually served with Dahi chutney (yogurt and onions) and Mirchi ka salan – a green chili curry. Mirchi ka salan is a popular chili and peanut curry of Hyderabad which accompanies Hyderabadi biryani. These side dishes add more flavour to the biryani and give some moisture to an otherwise dry dish.

The Hyderabadi Biryani at Shadab Hotel was really tasty and full of flavour. The serving was very generous and one dish could easily feed two people. The rice was fluffy, fragrant and had a good saffron flavour to it. The chicken was beautifully marinated with lovely seasoning; the meat was tender and was falling off the bone.

The accompaniments of Dahi chutney and Mirchi ka salan went really well with the chicken and rice. They added a lot of depth and flavour to the biryani dish and made it moist.

One of the reasons why we love this restaurant is the value for your buck. At Rs 120 for a plate of delicious chicken biryani, the value is outstanding.

Shadab Hotel is the place to visit in Hyderabad for the best Hyderabadi biryani in town. You will be addicted once you try it.


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