
  • Signature Dishes: Hyderabadi biryani
  • Opening Times & Days: 12:00 am to 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm to 11:30 pm, daily
  • Address: Amaravathi Complex, 1 Cathedral Road, Gopalpuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Contact: 44 2811 6416
  • Reservation: Yes

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Located on Cathedral Road in Gopalapuram, Palki Restaurant Chennai is a multi-cuisine restaurant specialising in North Indian, South Indian and Chinese cuisines. It is an upmarket restaurant with a focus on family dining. After dining here, we think that the service and ambiance is of high standards; however, they need to improve the quality of their dishes to match their prices.

Palki Restaurant Chennai


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Located near RK Salai in Gopalapuram, Palki Restaurant Chennai is a multi-cuisine restaurant specialising in North Indian, South Indian and Chinese cuisines. It is an upmarket restaurant with a focus on family dining.

The restaurant was nicely decorated inside with upholstered chairs and couches. Since it was two days before Christmas, the restaurant was also decorated with tinsel and a Christmas star. What I liked about this restaurant was that parts of it were sectioned off giving the patrons more privacy.

The waiting staff were numerous probably because there weren’t many diners in the restaurant. They were attentive and one spoke fluent English. Our order was taken immediately and it wasn’t long before we were served our meals.

We ordered Lamb Rogan Josh with Steamed Rice for dinner.


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We received a plate of complimentary Spiced pappadam with a mint sauce. The pappadum was crispy and quite spicy so the mint sauce went really well with it to temper the heat.


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Lamb Rogan Josh is originally a Persian dish made with tender pieces of lamb cooked in a spiced gravy. It’s a popular dish from the North Indian state of Kashmir and, but unlike most Kashmiri dishes, this one is not spicy which makes it a perfect dish for Westerners.

This dish was beautifully presented with a garnishing of coriander and ginger slivers. The flavour from the lamb bones combined with the spices gave the gravy a strong and hearty taste which was enjoyed immensely. Unfortunately, this meant that there were  more bones in the dish rather than meat which was disappointing.


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As the lamb curry had a lot of thick gravy, the Steamed Rice was a perfect accompaniment to the dish as it soaked up the gravy which tasted delicious. Tandoori rotis or Naan breads would also have gone well with the lamb curry.


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Overall, the quality of the food at Palki Restaurant Chennai was good; however, given the price we paid for the meal, it wasn’t good value. While the service and ambiance at the restaurant is of high standards, they need to improve the quality of their dishes to match their prices.


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