- Features: Second largest mosque in India
- Opening Times: 9am to 5pm, daily
- Best Time to Visit: Late October to early March
- Duration: 30 mins to 1 hr
- Travelled By: Bus
- Cost: Free
- Address: Shah Ali Banda Road, Patthargatti, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Type: Mosque
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Located in the historical district of Hyderabad Mecca Masjid is the second largest mosque in India and one of the largest in the world. Several bricks embedded in the central arch are made with soil from Mecca hence the name Mecca Masjid. To the left of the mosque, an enclosure contains the tombs of five Asaf Jahi rulers, the Nizams of Hyderabad.
Mecca Masjid Hyderabad
Located close to the historical landmarks of Hyderabad – Charminar, Chowmahalla Palace, and Laad Bazaar – Mecca Masjid is the second largest mosque in India and among the seven biggest in the world. Construction of the building began in 1614 under the sixth Sultan Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah and was completed by Aurangzeb when he annexed Golconda in 1692.
Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, the fifth ruler of the Qutb Shahi dynasty, commissioned bricks to be made from the soil brought from Mecca, the holiest site of Islam, and used them in the construction of the central arch of the mosque, thus giving the mosque its name. It formed the centerpiece around which the city was planned by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah.
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Comprising huge slabs of black granite quarried nearby, the three arched facades have been carved from a single piece of granite, which took five years to quarry. More than 8,000 workers were employed to build the mosque.
The mosque was designed to hold 10,000 people at prayer times. Fifteen arches support the roof of the main hall, five on each of the three sides. A wall rises on the fourth side to provide Mihrab. At the peak of the minarets flanking the mosque is an arched gallery, and above that a smallish dome and a spire. Inscriptions from the Quran adorn many of the arches and doors.
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The main structure of the mosque is sandwiched between two massive octagonal columns made out of a single piece of granite. The cornices running around the entire mosque structure and the floral motifs and friezes over the arches remind the tourist of the great attention paid to detail in Qutb Shahi architecture. They have a close resemblance to the arches at Charminar and Golkonda Fort.
To the left of the mosque, an enclosure contains the marble tombs of five Asaf Jahi rulers, the Nizams of Hyderabad. At both ends of the enclosure are two rectangular blocks with four minarets each. These minarets have elegant and circular balconies with low ornamental walls and arches. Above them is an octagonal inverted platter from which the rest of the minaret soars till it is arrested by a dome and a spire.
On 18 May 2007, a bomb exploded inside the Mecca Masjid at the time of Friday prayers, killing at least thirteen people and injuring dozens. Since the 2007 bomb blasts here, security is tight; no bags are allowed inside.
Getting to & from Mecca Masjid
Mecca Masjid is located in the Old City so there are numerous transportation options to get here.
The most affordable way is to take a bus from Abids or another area of Hyderabad to the Old City. There are several buses that leave regularly from the main bus station in the Abids area.
Alternatively, you can hop into an auto rickshaw or taxi with a meter which can drop you right in front of the mosque.
Of course, you can also hire a private car with chauffeur. When booking your private car always ensure you are using a reputable hotel or travel agency.