
  • Signature Dishes: Lassi, stuffed parathas
  • Opening Times & Days: 9:30 am to 9:30 pm, daily
  • Address: Jain Temples Road, Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Contact: N/A
  • Reservation: No

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Located on Jain Temples Road next to the Western Group of temples, Lassi Corner is a great place for budget travellers looking for a good value meal. However, you do need to have a strong stomach to eat here as the hygiene levels are quite low.

Lassi Corner Khajuraho


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Located on Jain Temples Road near the Western Group of temples, Lassi Corner is a ramshackle hut with a dirt floor and limited seating. It is a great place to grab a lassi or simple Indian food but you do need to have an acclimatised stomach to be able to eat here. The lassis are some of the best in Central India and are more liquid than the ones found in the neighbouring state of Rajasthan. In addition, Lassi Corner also prepare simple Indian meals such as pakoras (deep-fried vegetables), parathas (fried Indian flat bread stuffed with grated vegetables), pulao and koftas.

We had lunch here a couple of times as we really liked their lassis as well as the cheap Indian fare.


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The Plain lassi had a nice flavour with the right amount of sweetness and a mild cinammon spice added for extra depth. It wasn’t thick like some of the other lassis we had in Rajasthan but the texture was just right.


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What surprised me about the Egg curry was the amount of eggs in them – four! The eggs were lightly fried giving them extra flavour and a nice texture. The curry was a bit too spicy which was a bit overpowering otherwise it was a nice curry that went well with the stuffed parathas.


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An Aloo paratha is a fried Indian flat bread stuffed with spicy mashed potatoes. I love Aloo parathas and Lassi Corner cooked these really well. The paratha was fried crisp (not oily) and there was plenty of potato stuffing which was mildly spiced. We returned the following day so I could have some more Aloo parathas.


Overall, Lassi Corner is a great place for budget travellers who are looking for a good value meal. The lassis are some of the best and the Indian food is quite good. However, the hygiene is not the best so you do need to have a strong stomach to eat here.


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