
  • Features: Hindu temple dedicated to the dwarf incarnation of Vishnu
  • Opening Times: Dawn to dusk, daily
  • Best Time to Visit: Late October to early March
  • Duration: 20 to 30 mins
  • Travelled By: Foot
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: Sevagram, Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Type: Temple

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About 200 m north of the city centre, Vamana Temple Khajuraho is part of the Eastern Group of temples. Built in AD 1050-1075, it is dedicated to the short, plump, dwarf incarnation of Vishnu.

Vamana Temple Khajuraho


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About 200 m north of the city centre, Vamana Temple Khajuraho is part of the Eastern Group of temples. Built in AD 1050-1075, it is dedicated to the short, plump, dwarf incarnation of Vishnu.

This is in the fully developed Chandela style and has a single tower and no ambulatory. The outer walls of the temple have two bands of sculptures; each is adorned with sensuous sura-sundaris. It has quirky touches such as elephants protruding from the walls, but its sikhara is devoid of subsidiary spires and there are few erotic scenes. Its roofed mahamandapa (main hall) is an anomaly in Khajuraho but typical among medieval West Indian temples.


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The doorway of the sanctum has seven bards decorated with stencilled scrolls, dancing ganas, rithunas and lotus petals. The entrance to the inner sanctum of this temple is decorated with small erotic relief panels; within the sanctum you will see Vishnu in many forms, including the Buddha, believed to be one of his incarnations and a four-armed Vamana incarnation of Vishnu.


Getting to Vamana Temple Khajuraho

Vamana Temple Khajuraho is located about 200 metres north of the city centre in the northeastern part of the Eastern Group of temples. From the Brahma Temple, continue north east past the Jain enclosure; Vamana Temple is on the right.


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