
  • Features: Colourful flower market
  • Opening Times: Dawn to dusk, daily
  • Best Time to Visit: Early morning
  • Duration: 30 mins to 1 hr
  • Travelled By: Bus
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: Mallick Ghat, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Type: Market

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Near the southeast end of Howrah Bridge, the Kolkata flower market is fascinatingly colourful virtually 24 hours a day. Apart from being a photographer’s paradise, the flower market is also a perfect spot to view the nearby Howrah Bridge. Wrestlers practice their art at 7am on a small caged area of sand just back from the river.

Kolkata Flower Market


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Better known as Mallick Ghat Flower Market, Kolkata Flower Market is located in Mullick Ghat near the southeast end of Howrah Bridge. This venue is a photographer’s paradise as the flower market is fascinatingly colourful virtually 24 hours a day. Many workers live in makeshift shacks, bathing in the river behind the market.

The best time to visit Kolkata flower market is early in the morning when fresh flowers are brought in by workers laden on their heads. You can see them walking over the bridge and through the market as they arrive to set up shop for the day.

The most common flower sold in the market is marigold; you can see piles of yellow and orange marigolds glistening in the morning sun as shoppers haggle to buy flowers for weddings, functions and puja ceremonies. Other flowers like roses and kum kums add colour and variety to the market. Flowers are sold here by the kilo as it is a wholesale market and prices are cheap.


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The best view point is from the bridge leading to the market where you can get a bird’s eye view of the entire market below you. If you plan on walking through the market area, take care as the ground is caked with mud and slippery with water from the flowers.

Another attraction worth making the early morning trip to the Kolkata flower market for is to watch the wrestlers practise their art on a small caged area of sand just back from the river. If 7:00 am is not too early for you, then you might be interested in watching this activity unfold next to the flower market.

Kolkata flower market is the perfect spot from where you can get a picture perfect view of the Howrah Bridge. Head to the back of the market, avoiding the piles of garbage, from where you can get a perfect shot of the iconic Howrah Bridge.


Getting to & from Kolkata Flower Market

To get to Mallick Ghat, take a bus down along Strand Road and get off at Bara Bazar bus stop. From there, it’s a short walk to the Kolkata flower market. Alternatively, you can take a taxi to the bridge and walk across to the flower market.


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