
  • Signature Dishes: Uoon Sooru, Chicken Sutton
  • Opening Times & Days: 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm, daily
  • Address: Town Hall Road, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Contact: N/A
  • Reservation: No

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Located on Town Hall Road, right in the heart of Madurai city centre, Ko Kho Restaurant Madurai puts a new spin on traditional Tamil cuisine. Cooked without any oil in slow cookers, this new eatery is setting standards for healthy eating in India.

Ko Kho Restaurant Madurai


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Located on Town Hall Road, right in the heart of Madurai city centre, Ko Kho Restaurant Madurai puts a new spin on traditional Tamil cuisine.


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Cooked without any oil in slow cookers, this new eatery is setting standards for healthy eating in India.

The manager was keen and eager and showed us the slow cookers and explained how the food is cooked without any oil. He even told us that we must try certain dishes on the menu as these were really tasty dishes.

When we ate here, the restaurant had only been open for one week, so we were delighted to be one of the first few to try out their new range of healthy Tamil dishes.


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The decor inside is smart and modern with red chairs and tables laid out with plenty of space between them to walk around easily. The owners must love Tamil movies as their walls are plastered with pictures of various Tamil movies and movie stars including a photo of their Prime Minister, Jayalalithaa Jayaram, who used to be a movie star in her early days.

We ordered Uoon Cooro, Chicken Sutton with Idiappam & Idli with Sambar. All the dishes were served on a banana leaf which is the traditional way of serving food in Tamil Nadu.


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Uoon Sooru is a South Indian version of the Indian Biryani that was made famous by the Mughals. However, there is a mention of ‘oon soru’ in Tamil literature as early as 2 A.D. which means that Biryani may not be a Mughal delicacy after all. The Oon Soru was made of rice, ghee, meat, turmeric, pepper, coriander and bay leaf and this was apparently used to feed the warriors. This simple recipe seems to have been made more spicy in the later versions of the Biryani.

The rice was beautifully cooked with lots of flavour. We could taste a spice mix which was really complex. There were little pieces of chicken in the rice which was soft and yummy. The sauce that was served with this dish added extra flavour. Mixed in with the rice and chicken this dish made us lick our fingers clean.


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Chicken Sutton with Idiappam is free range and organic fried chicken, served with Idiappam which is a traditional South Indian food consisting of rice flour pressed into noodles which are then steamed. It is usually served as a rice noodle cake.

The chicken was cooked in its own oil which is quite ingenious. The chicken was tasty but not really spiced or flavoured strongly. This dish really needed a sauce or other flavours to go with it as the idiappam itself was rather tasteless and a bit dry.


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Idly is a savoury cake made by steaming a batter consisting of fermented black lentils (de-husked) and rice. It is usually served as a traditional breakfast meal in South India accompanied with sambar. Sambar is a lentil based vegetable stew or chowder based on a broth made with tamarind.

We thought this was the best idly we had in South India because the sambar was so tasty and went really well with the idly, which was fluffy and moist and just melted in the mouth.


The dishes were not huge by Indian standards but they were really, really good. For the price they charged, the food at Ko Kho Restaurant Madurai was really great value. For our three dishes, we paid Rs 250 which we thought was really cheap for such a delicious meal. We didn’t think that Tamil food cooked without oil could taste this good.



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