
  • Signature Dishes: Andhra vegetarian thali
  • Opening Times & Days: 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
  • Address: Troop Bazaar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
  • Contact: N/A
  • Reservation: No

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Kamat Andhra Meals is an ‘all-you-can-eat’ restaurant specialising in Andhra style vegetarian thalis. Don’t be fooled by this advertisement because the food here is so unappetising that you wouldn’t want another serve of anything. The only saving grace is their desserts which isn’t saying much.

Kamat Andhra Meals Hyderabad


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Located down a narrow street in Troop Bazaar, Kamat Andhra Meals is a popular little restaurant known for its Andhra style meals served on banana leaves. The dishes here are pure vegetarian fare with their vegetarian thalis served up on banana leaves being their specialty.

While Kamat Andhra Meals is located on the ground floor, its sister establishments, Kamat Jowar Bhakri, specialising in Maharashtran cuisine, is located next door, while Kamat Restaurant, specialising in North and South Indian, has air-con and is located one floor above.

The decor and atmosphere in this restaurant is stark and austere with tables and chairs laid out in an otherwise bare room. Service is minimal but at least you get served promptly and efficiently.

Graham had a Special Andhra thali while I had a regular Andhra thali. The thalis at this restaurant are ‘all-you-can-eat’.


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A Special Andhra thali is an Andhra Pradesh style vegetarian thali served on a banana leaf. The thali is made up of several dishes including ghee rice with daal, pappadum, okra fry, eggplant curry, sambhar, dahi (yogurt) and buttermilk.

To begin with, the food was cold as it seemed to have been prepared earlier in the day. Of the many dishes in the thali not one stood out as exceptional. The okra fry had a lot of batter in it and hardly any okra. The eggplant wasn’t cooked properly and was slightly hard. Unfortunately, the food at this restaurant was a complete let down.


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As part of the Special Andhra thali we were given a gulab jamun and fruit salad with vanilla ice cream. The only redeeming element of this meal was the dessert. The gulab jamun had good flavour and the ice cream was tasty. Unfortunately, the fruit salad was straight out of a tin so it wasn’t fresh.


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To end the meal, we were given a banana and paan each.

Unfortunately the banana had come straight from the fridge so it was ice cold and unappetising. Also, it was unripe so it couldn’t be eaten even if we wanted to.

Paan is a popular Indian digestive and stimulant made from betel leaf combined with areca nut and/or cured tobacco. Paan is chewed and finally spat out or swallowed. It is an acquired taste and you either love or hate it.


Overall, Kamat Andhra Meals was a total let down for us. It was hard to find this restaurant and when we did, the food was cold and tasted terrible. The management of this restaurant is poor which is why no one takes any care of the preparation and service of the food. A big thumbs down for Kamat Andhra Meals!


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