
  • Features: Coastal cliffs set against the blue ocean with several, easy to access viewpoints
  • Opening Times: Dawn to dusk, daily
  • Best Time to Visit: September to November
  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours
  • Travelled By: Rental car
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: Kalbarri, Western Australia
  • Type: National Park

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The Kalbarri gorges along the sea coast of Kalbarri National Park are marvels of nature’s creation. The contrast of the reddish-brown coastal cliffs and the blue-green ocean is simply stunning. The numerous viewpoints along the coast allow us to view these cliffs with ease.

Kalbarri Gorges


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Having seen the inland Kalbarri gorges created by the Murchison River, you have only seen half of Kalbarri National Park. On the coast, about eight scenic lookouts are easily accessible by car or bike, and provide a dramatic experience of the sea and the coast, especially when the sea is rough.

Yielding to the forces of the ocean, Island Rock and Natural Bridge are two of the most stunning cliffs along the Kalbarri coast. They are amazing and precarious rock formations that have been spectacularly sculpted by the fracturing and decaying of the cliffs. The vibrant colours of the blue-green ocean contrast with the rugged red coastline to make some of the best coastal scenery I have ever seen.


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The lookouts are just a few steps from the car park making it easy to stop at each point and admire the coastal cliffs from different viewing areas. Some view points allow visitors to climb down to the base of the cliffs and have the experience of being close to the forces created by the ocean currents.

While we were standing at the Island Rock lookout, we noticed a couple of dolphin in the waters about a kilometre away. They were slowly swimming up the Kalbarri coast by themselves.


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