
  • Signature Dishes: ‘All-you-can-eat’ vegetarian thali
  • Opening Times & Days: 8am to 10pm, daily
  • Address: Anna Salai, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Contact: 4542 240 524
  • Reservation: No

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Located on Anna Salai Road near the main bazaar, Hotel Astoria Kodaikanal is one of the most popular restaurants in town. This is a vegetarian restaurant that is always packed with locals and tourists, especially during lunchtime when they serve excellent ‘all-you-can-eat’ vegetarian thalis.

Hotel Astoria Kodaikanal


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Located on Anna Salai near the main bazaar, Hotel Astoria Kodaikanal is one of the most popular restaurants in town. This is a vegetarian restaurant that is always packed with locals and tourists, especially during lunchtime when they serve excellent ‘all-you-can-eat’ vegetarian thalis.

Being a very busy restaurant, it is impossible to get great service but the food does come around pretty fast as it is already prepared beforehand.

The decor and atmosphere in this restaurant is better than most Indian restaurants with nice chairs and tables and paintings on the walls.

Of course, when we visited Hotel Astoria Kodaikanal in the afternoon we had to to try their ‘all-you-can-eat’ vegetarian thalis.


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Along with a dollop of steamed rice, the thali was made up of eight small dishes which included dal, sambar, tamarind spiced water, vegetable soup, mixed vegetable curry, coconut vegetable fry, dahi (yogurt) and payasam (rice pudding). The thali was accompanied by a pappadum as well.

A thali is the best way to eat Indian food, especially since you can sample a variety of dishes and order more of the ones you like. Also, having an ‘all-you-can-eat’ thali for lunch is so filling that you will not be hungry again until late evening.

Of all the dishes in the thali, the dal was the most delicious; the mixed vegetable curry and coconut vegetable fry tasted really good too.  The pappadum was a great accompaniment to the thali and provided a nice crunchy texture to the dishes.


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The vegetarian thali at Hotel Astoria Kodaikanal is great value for money; it is no wonder that the locals and tourists flock to this restaurant during lunchtime to feast on the loads of tasty dishes that are doled out with pleasure.


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