
  • Signature Dishes: Vegetarian thalis
  • Opening Times & Days: 7:00 am to 10:30 pm (Mon to Sat)
  • Address: 2 Russel Street, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Contact: 033 2226 6240
  • Reservation: Yes

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Gangaur is a good vegetarian restaurant in central Kolkata. Busy place for a quick bite or a longer sit down, Gangaur targets the midrange market with

Gangaur Restaurant Kolkata


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Busy restaurant that is ideal for families who want to sit and eat together.


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North Indian vegetarian thali is a good choice if you like a bit of variety in your vegetarian food. The curd and the dahl are probably the picks of the meal, although the mixed vegetable curry can be good too.


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Papri Chaat is a great choice from the menu as it is both tasty and filling. Unlike the alternative you can buy on a street corner, this one has a cleaner taste and finish. The ingredients used to make the different components are excellent and really make this dish probably the best choice.


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