
  • Features: Botanical garden with countless species of flowers and roses
  • Opening Times: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm, daily
  • Best Time to Visit: May
  • Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • Travelled By: Foot
  • Cost: Adult/child Rs 20/10
  • Address: Lower Shola Road, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Type: Garden

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Near the start of Coaker’s Walk is Bryant Park Kodaikanal. It is a wonderfully maintained 20.5 acres (8.3 ha) botanical garden that must not be missed by tourists visiting Kodaikanal as it houses plenty of different varieties of flowers, rafts, as well as hybrids. Bryant Park is famous for its plant collection (including over 740 varieties of roses) and its annual flower show held in May.

Bryant Park Kodaikanal


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East of Kodaikanal Lake, near the start of Coaker’s Walk is Bryant Park Kodaikanal. It is a wonderfully maintained 20.5 acres (8.3 ha) botanical garden that must not be missed by tourists visiting Kodaikanal as it houses plenty of different varieties of flowers, rafts, as well as hybrids. It was landscaped and stocked in 1908 by H.D. Bryant, a British forest officer from Madurai after whom the park is named.



Bryant Park is famous for its plant collection (including over 740 varieties of roses) and its annual flower show held in May. To coincide with the peak season, the park organises horticultural exhibits and flower shows every summer. As a result, in the summer months, it is the most visited attraction in Kodaikanal. A glasshouse in the park contains wide varieties of flowers, ferns and other ornamental plants.


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With 325 species of trees, shrubs and cactuses, the park is a rainbow of stunning flowers during the peak season. A large section is dedicated to nearly 740 varieties of roses. There is an 1857 Eucalyptus tree and a Bodhi tree which adds a religious significance to the park. Ornamental plants are cultivated in a nursery for sale.


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The best time to visit Bryant Park is in the morning, preferably after taking in Coaker’s Walk. In the morning, it is possible to see the tiny, microscopic dew drops on the roses and other beautiful flowers in the park. The flowers, especially the roses, in the park are a great photo op for any keen photographer. At this time, you can also see the women tending the bushes and flowers in the park with meticulous care.


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Getting to & from Bryant Park

Bryant Park is located east of Kodaikanal Lake, near the start of Coaker’s Walk, and about one kilometre from the bus stand. It’s easy to get here on foot.


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