
  • Signature Dishes: Vegetarian
  • Opening Times & Days: 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, daily
  • Address: South Cliff, Varkala, Kerala, India
  • Contact: N/A
  • Reservation: No

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Oottupura is a vegetarian restaurant located on the South Cliff in Varkala. The only thing going for this Varkala restaurant is its location in front of the ocean and beach below. The ambiance is rather romantic with its candlelit tables, but if you’re after good food give this place a miss.

Varkala Restaurant: Oottupura Vegetarian Restaurant


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Varkala restaurant, Oottupura is very close to the Helipad and at the southern end of the cliff top above the beach; it’s a great location right in the heart of the action. With all the tables facing out to the water, this vegetarian restaurant is a great place to relax and refill your belly.

Unfortunately, as we discovered, the food really lets this place down. The candles that illuminate the tables make this restaurant appear slightly romantic, but the cheap and sometimes unstable chairs and tables reminded us that this is a budget restaurant that has lost its way.


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The Sweet lime soda we ordered here was refreshing, but compared to others in India, it was a bit watery and sweeter than we expected. Besides the bread, this was the top pick of our meal.

For our main meal, we ordered Malai Kofta and Paneer Masala with Parathas.


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Malai Kofta is a North Indian vegetarian dish made with potatoes stuffed with cheese and cooked in a malai (creamy) sauce. After cutting through the potato cake and hunting around, I still couldn’t find the cheese; the malai sauce was bland and was missing the nutty flavour that makes this dish so special. So, this so called ‘malai kofta’ was actually a mild potato curry, and if I wasn’t so hungry, I would have given it a miss.


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The Paneer Masala was better than the Malai Kofta – I could see and taste the paneer, and the masala sauce was flavoured like a masala sauce. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the last time I was served rubbery paneer in India (it should be roasted or fried), and the masala tasted more like a lightly flavoured tomato soup.


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The Paratha was the highlight of our meal and it was a great accompaniment to the Tomato soup (I mean Paneer Masala).   Although this restaurant has been recommended highly in many guidebooks as well as online, we rate this Varkala restaurant as one of the worst restaurants we have eaten at in India.


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