
  • Features: National Park with natural wonders created by the wind and sea
  • Opening Times: 8:30am to 4:30pm, daily
  • Best Time to Visit: September to November
  • Duration: 1 to 2 hours
  • Travelled By: Rental car
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: Albany, Western Australia
  • Type: National Park

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Torndirrup National Park is well known for its striking rock formations that have been created by the natural elements over millions of years. The Gap, Natural Bridge and the Blowholes are superb examples of rock formation shaped from the local granite.

Torndirrup National Park Albany


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One of the most scenic coastal landscapes for whale spotting or just taking in the fresh sea air is Torndirrup National Park. Here, the Southern Ocean has sculpted the granite coastline into several impressive rock formations known as the Gap, Natural Bridge and the Blowholes. The park is along the coast on the west side of King George Sound and consists of a range of cliffs, gullies, blowholes, beaches and promontories.

The Gap and Natural Bridge have been formed over hundreds of years by the ocean eroding a large gap in one rock face and a natural arch in another.


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A twenty minute walk from the carpark leads us to the blowholes at The Gap, a split in the rock where the waves force air out the top.

We were there on a very windy day so we got to hear an impressive roar resulting from the massive force of the water upwards. Watch out for the spray that usually follows! We were drenched from head to foot and it was not a pleasant feeling.

The area is composed of three major rock type, one of these being gneiss. The oldest of these was formed 1300-1600 million years ago. This rock type can be seen along the cliff walls of the Gap.


Be careful when standing near the edge of The Gap as the rocks are slippery and it’s a long way down to the bottom.


No entry fee is required to enter the park. Access to the park is via Frenchman Bay Road. Access to most features is via sealed roads. No other facilities exist within the park but barbecues, tables, shops and toilets can be found nearby at Frenchman Bay.

The park has numerous walks mostly of a distance of less than 1.5 kms, including the Jimmy Newhills walk and the Stony Hill Heritage Trail walk. The longest trail is the 10 km Bald Head Walk along Flinders peninsula finishing at Bald Head at the eastern edge of the park. Although we didn’t attempt any of the walking trails in the area, the picturesque views of the coastline would be worth the effort.


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