
  • Signature Dishes: Seafood platter
  • Opening Times & Days: 6pm to 11pm, daily
  • Address: 71 Knight Terrace, Denham, Western Australia
  • Contact: 08 9948 1373
  • Reservation: Yes

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The Old Pearler Restaurant is one of the best restaurants in the Denham-Shark Bay area simply due to the lack of competition. Delicious and fresh Australian-style seafood dishes make this restaurant a standout. If you’re looking for a nice, romantic venue, this tops the list. However, don’t expect much customer service here.

The Old Pearler Restaurant Denham


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Firstly, there are not very many restaurants in the Denham Shark Bay area. Secondly, The Old Pearler Restaurant is by far the best restaurant in Denham.

The fact that it has very little competition doesn’t lower the standards at this delectable eatery. However, I suspect that they are run off their feet most evenings.

The restaurant is housed in a renovated old house which is made up of tiny shells. The ambience is romantic and it was even more so for us as we were seated at a table in the corner.


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It has a cozy yet comfortable atmosphere, although it is a little tight between tables. However, given the size of the restaurant, they have certainly made the best of the room they have available.

I like the decorations on the walls, around the windows as well the fireplace in the corner as it gives it a homely atmosphere.

When we walked into the restaurant, there was no one serving the door. As we waited, a rushed woman exited what seemed to be the kitchen at the back to show us to a table. She then disappeared and didn’t return for  a while. When she finally took our order, she did not have a courteous or friendly tone.


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We ordered the seafood platter for two, which is the house specialty. The platter consisted of a lobster, scallops and prawns in a garlic sauce, king prawns and natural oysters. They were out of whiting which was a bit of a disappointment. However, we  were late for dinner and they had had a very busy evening.

The seafood platter was really delicious – fresh seafood, delicate flavours and good portions.

The presentation could have been better as the plate that the seafood was served on was old and shabby. Also, the seafood seemed to have been piled on the plate without much thought to presentation. We thought that they could have used a bigger serving plate that was better quality.

In summary, the food was delicious and fresh. We liked the interior decoration and ambience as well. However, The Old Pearler Restaurant in Denham falls down in our books in terms of customer service and food presentation.


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