
  • Features: Gorge with swimming hole & walking tracks
  • Opening Times: Dawn to dusk, daily
  • Best Time to Visit: Any time of the year
  • Duration: Any
  • Travelled By: Car
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: Mossman, Queensland, Australia
  • Type: Natural wonder

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If you can drag yourself away from the cushy comforts of Port Douglas, head to Mossman Gorge which attracts visitors from far and wide. Located on the way to Daintree National Park and Cape Tribulation, this is one destination that comes highly recommended and should be on your Far North Queensland itinerary.

2 Reasons Why You Should Visit Mossman Gorge


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If you can drag yourself away from the cushy comforts of Port Douglas, there is a small town 23 km (13 miles) northwest called Mossman. The town is famous for one attraction – Mossman Gorge – which attracts visitors from far and wide. Located on the way to Daintree National Park and Cape Tribulation, this is one destination that comes highly recommended and should be on your Far North Queensland itinerary.

Inspiring Mossman Gorge, 5km west of Mossman town, is located in the southeast corner of Daintree National Park and forms part of the traditional lands of the Kuku Yalanji indigenous people. Carved by the Mossman River, the gorge is a boulder-strewn valley where sparkling water washes over ancient rocks.

There are two activities that are popular at Mossman Gorge – walks through the lowland forest and swims in the swimming hole.


Mossman Gorge Swimming

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Swimming at Mossman Gorge is an extremely popular activity all year round but more so during the hot summer months. A walking track leads from the car park along the river to a refreshing swimming hole where you can take a dip in the cool waters of the Mossman River.

Swimming at Mossman Gorge is only recommended for people who can swim as the currents can be quite strong here. Even for the very best swimmers, extreme caution must be taken at all times especially after downpours as the current can be very swift after heavy rains.


Mossman Gorge Walk

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The Mossman Gorge walk is a popular activity as it takes you in the lowland forest of the Daintree National Park. The walk consists of a 2km circuit trail that starts across the river beyond the swimming hole and past the Rex Creek swingbridge. This easy walk passes interpretative signs and trees dripping with jungle vines. The complete walk back to the car park takes about an hour.

To truly appreciate the cultural significance of Mossman Gorge, it is worth joining the excellent 1 ½-hour guided walks run by Kuku-Yalanji Dreamtime Walks. Indigenous guides lead you through the rainforest pointing out and explaining the significance of rock art sites, plants and natural features. See Mossman Gorge Getaway for more information on guided walks.

Whether you choose to take a self-guided or guided walk, you are sure to enjoy this relaxing yet inspiring Mossman Gorge walk.


Mossman Gorge Map

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Mossman Gorge Centre

Mossman Gorge Getaway is a cultural and visitors centre, 1km before the gorge car park, run by the Kuku Yalanji community. The centre has a gallery showcasing indigenous art and artefacts by local artists. Information about Mossman Gorge including guided walks and other tours can be found at the centre. Mossman Gorge Getaway is open from 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday.


Port Douglas to Mossman Gorge

Mossman Gorge is located 23 km (13 miles) northwest of Port Douglas. If you’re heading from Port Douglas to Mossman Gorge, take the Captain Cook Hwy towards Mossman. When you get to the town, take a left on to Johnston Rd towards Mossman Gorge.


Mossman Gorge Address

Mossman Gorge


Queensland 4873



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