
  • Features: Gardens housing cenotaphs of Marwar rulers, temples and museums
  • Opening Times: 8am to 8pm, daily
  • Best Time to Visit: Late October to early March
  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours
  • Travelled By: Bus
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: Mandore, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Type: Garden

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If you’re spending some time in Jodhpur and have a day to spare, consider visiting Mandore Garden which is located in Mandore, 15 km from the Jodhpur city centre. Read this article to find out why you should visit this lovely attraction on a side trip from Jodhpur.

4 Reasons to Visit Mandore Garden Jodhpur


If you’re spending some time in Jodhpur and have a day to spare, consider visiting Mandore Garden which is located in Mandore, 15 km from the Jodhpur city centre. Read this article to find out why you should visit this lovely attraction on a side trip from Jodhpur.

Mandore Garden is located in Marwar, 15 km north of Jodhpur. The town is the old 14th-century capital of Mandore, situated on a plateau. It remained the seat of the Rathore clan until 1459 AD, when Rao Jodha, a Rathore chief who united the surrounding region under his rule, shifted his capital to Mehrangarh Fort in the newly founded city of Jodhpur.



4 Reasons Why You Should Visit Mandore Garden Jodhpur

If you’re looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, Mandore Garden is the place to visit. Set is lovely, landscaped gardens, the cenotaphs of the old Marwar rulers are worth inspecting for their artistic beauty. The langur monkeys can be a nuisance but they add another layer of colour to the picturesque landscape.


1. Explore the beautiful memorials scattered around the garden

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The Mandore garden, with its charming collection of temples and memorials, and its high rock terraces, is a major attraction in Marwar. Set around the old cremation ground, the gardens house the red sandstone Chhatris (cenotaphs) of many rulers of the erstwhile princely state of Marwar.


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Unlike the usual chhatri-shaped cenotaphs typical of Rajasthan, these cenotaphs were built along the lines of a Hindu temple, four stories high, with fine columns and an elegant spire, all in red sandstone.

Each cenotaph is unique and has a distinct architectural design. One cenotaph that I found particularly interesting (right picture above) was made almost entirely of jali (intricately carved stone work) making it appear like it was made of marble or wood rather than sandstone.

Prominent among the cenotaphs is the one of Maharaja Ajit Singh (reigned 1678-1724), built in 1793. It is one of the largest devals in the gardens, a combination of temple and cenotaph. It is worth a closer look but is unkempt.


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The interiors of the cenotaphs are as beautifully decorated as the outside. Intricately carved columns with floral engravings are fine examples of the Hindu architecture found here.



2. Enjoy the serene garden setting

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Mandore Garden is a great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city of Jodhpur. It is set in beautiful landscaped gardens that is quiet and peaceful especially on a week day. There are small lakes dotted around the gardens filled with birds and fishes. There were some local people feeding the fish when we were there.

The gardens are usually crowded with Indian tourists on weekends. However, we went there during the week and there were only a few locals wandering around. It was lovely to be able to walk around without the sound of car horns or constantly bumping into people on the streets.



3. Watch the langur monkeys at play

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Another popular attraction at Mandore Garden is the langur monkeys. There are several troupes of them running around the gardens and making a nuisance of themselves. Unlike the macaques (pink-faced monkeys) of India, Hanuman langurs (black-faced monkeys) are quite aggressive and ferocious. They are more terrestrial and live in forests and woody areas unlike the macaques who easily venture into city areas in search of food.

As we entered Mandore Garden, we were greeted by a troupe of langur monkeys who were being chased by a local man. Further inside the gardens, we came across a couple more troupes of langur monkeys on the trees near the lake.


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One criticism of Mandore Garden is the fact that it is not well preserved or well maintained. The cenotaphs of the Maharajas are unkempt and falling down, while the benches in the gardens have vanished. I was looking for a place to sit down and enjoy the atmosphere in the gardens. This is when I found the skeleton of a bench shown in the photo above. I’m not sure what happened to it – whether the hot sun melted it into the ground or whether it was stolen!



4.  Visit the artistic and colourful Temple of Three Hundred Million Gods

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The Mandore Gardens also house a government museum, a Hall of Heroes and a Temple of Three Hundred Million Gods.

Various artefacts and statues found in the area are housed in the museum.

Nearby is the Hall of Heroes, dedicated to various deities and fabled Rajput folk heroes of the region. Dating back to the 17th to 18th century, it contains 16 figures carved out of a single rock and painted in bright colours. Above is a picture of the Hall of Heroes.

Next door is a larger hall called the Temple of Three Hundred Million Gods which houses images of various Hindu Gods. The temple is a hall containing huge brightly painted rock-cut figures of various Hindu heroes and gods, although some of the workmanship is a little crude.

As you climb up the hill, you come to the ruined city of Mandore, with its old fort and palace. The beautiful Maharani’s cenotaphs set apart on a rocky outcrop is a ten-minute walk over the hill. Today its extensive gardens with high rock terrace make it a popular local attraction.



How to get to Mandore Garden from Jodhpur?

Getting to Mandore Garden is quite simple. Catch a bus from High Court Road just east of the Tourist Reception Centre. For Rs 10 per person, it is a cheap and quick thirty minutes ride; the bus even drops you in front of Mandore Garden.



Tell us what you think. Are you planning a trip to Mandore Garden? If you’ve been here before, please share with us your experiences. 

We love to hear from you so please leave your comments below. 



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