
  • Features: Live rock lobster tour at the ‘Brolos’ brand live processing lobster plant
  • Opening Times: 10am (Mon, Wed & Fri)
  • Best Time to Visit: 15th Nov – 31st Aug
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Travelled By: Rental car
  • Cost: $10 adult, $8 senior, $5 child under 16 years
  • Address: Geraldton, Western Australia
  • Type: Processing Plant

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Live rock lobster tours at the Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative processing plant is a great way to learn about the multi-million dollar rock lobster industry in Western Australia and the Brolos brand that exports rock lobsters to the rest of the world. You also get an opportunity to hold a live rock lobster in your hand which will definitely be a highlight of your trip to Geraldton.

Geraldton Attractions: Live Rock Lobster Tour


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The Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative has a 90 tonne capacity live lobster processing plant which is located on Fisherman’s Wharf near the Geraldton Pier.

The processing plant is home to the famous Brolos brand which exports rock lobsters to the world.

Live lobster tours are conducted here during the lobster season between 15th November and 31st August. Tours are conducted on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10am. It is a little difficult locating the area from where the tour departs so keep an eye out for the signs along the Geraldton Pier.

Tour guides give tourists and locals alike a behind-the-scenes insight into this multi-million dollar regional industry.

The tour aims to educate people on the Western Rock Lobster industry and why the clear Batavia waters are a haven for this seafood delicacy. The processing plant also demonstrates to visitors the large investment by the Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative in research and development to maintain an ideal environment for export grade live Brolos lobsters.

Tour guides allow visitors to hold some of the larger live Western Rock Lobsters in their hands, which can be quite exciting for some and unnerving for others.

The banner from the Brolos website is displayed above to show pictures of the rock lobster tour at the processing plant.


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