
  • Features: Elevated hill with a Hindu temple and Nandi monolithic sculpture
  • Opening Times: 7:30 am to 2:00 pm, 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm; daily
  • Best Time to Visit: Late October to early March
  • Duration: 1 to 2 hours
  • Travelled By: Bus
  • Cost: Free
  • Address: Chamundi Hills Road, Vijay Nagar, Mysore, Karnataka, India
  • Type: Temple

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Located southeast of Mysore, the Chamundi Hills are among the eight most sacred hills of South India. Sitting at the top of Chamundi Hills is Sri Chamundeswari Temple dominated by a towering 40m-high gopuram. Halfway down the hill is the monolithic statue of Nandi, Shiva’s bull.

Chamundi Hills Mysore


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The Chamundi Hills are among the eight most sacred hills of South India. Sitting at the top of Chamundi Hills, southeast of Mysore, at a height of 1062m, is Sri Chamundeshwari Temple dominated by a towering 40m-high gopuram (entrance gateway). The temple was built in the 17th century by the Wodeyars and was dedicated to Durga (Chamundeshwari) celebrating her victory over the buffalo god Mahisasura. It houses a beautifully decorated idol of Chamundeshwari, the family deity of the Wodeyar kings. A statue of Mahishasura with a sword in his right hand and a cobra in the left is also a key feature of the temple.


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Within the temple’s sanctum stands the Goddess Chamundeshwari. Seated, her right heel is pressed against the lowest of the seven chakras. This cross-legged yogic posture echoes that of the Lord Shiva. It is believed that this powerful yogic posture, if mastered, enables one to have an added dimensional view of the universe. Since the early days of the Maharajas of Mysore, it has been customary that the idol of Goddess Chamundi is carried upon a ceremonially-decorated elephant as part of the celebrations in the annual Dusshera festival.

A noteworthy feature of the temple is the main silver doorway with elaborate decorations of the goddess Chamundeshwari.


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Sri Chamundeshwari Temple is a popular pilgrimage site with several Hindus coming from all over South India to pay their homage to the Goddess Chamundeshwari. Offerings can be bought from the women selling coconuts and flowers in front of the temple.


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About halfway up the hill is the Nandi (Shiva’s bull) monolith, dating to 1659. Carved out of a single boulder, it is 7.5 m (25 ft) long and 5 m (16 ft) high. The richly decorated bull is depicted crouching.

It’s a fine half-day excursion, offering spectacular views of the city below. From the top of the hills the key attractions that can be seen include the Mysore Palace, the Karanji Lake and several smaller temples.


Getting to & from Chamundi Hills

You can take bus 201 (Rs 15, 30 minutes) from Mysore’s central bus station that rumbles up the narrow road to the summit. The Chamundi Hills can also be reached by a taxi or auto rickshaw, and it is possible to drive right up to the main temple where free parking is provided. On your way down, you can also take the foot trail comprising 1000-plus steps that Hindu pilgrims use to visit the temple or catch a return bus from the road.

The more expensive KSRTC Volvo buses also run frequently between Mysore and Chamundi Hills starting from the City bus stand and stopping at key attractions – Mysore Palace, Mysore Zoo – on the way to Chamundi Hills.


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